Many businesses and bloggers have great things to share with the world, but don’t know how to get on the first page of Google. Some people refer to this as Google front page. Bloggers call this process “syndication” and there are ten or so steps that one must take.
Google likes bloggers who post regularly, three to five posts per week is what they like to see. If you post regularly, Google is more likely to consider you as a relevant authority for content. The directions below assume that you’ve done your keyword research and that you’re using the best blog format, which can be found by clicking HERE. Always link to your own related content!
1) Make sure that your website is mobile friendly. Tons of free website templates can be found at Â
2) If your blog post is free of affiliate links and promotional content, submit the link to your post to and Ezines are electronic magazines, or newsletters that are sent to email inboxes. While you’re there, check out what other people are blogging about to get ideas. Â
If you want to post articles that contain your affiliate links, go to the Directory Of Ezines. The Directory filters the known universe of Ezines and will show you which ones allow affiliate links.
3) Have links to your social media pages at the bottom of each blog post so that readers can connect with you in other ways. Google likes to see backlinks to other relevant websites. However, Google’s advertising policies prevent you from linking to other sites, so make sure you avoid doing that, if you’re paying to advertise using Google Adwords.
4) Click the top ten sites that come up using your keyword phrase and if their content is similar, reach out and ask if they’d like to post content on your blog with a link to their blog and vice versa. Their site comes up in the top ten, so they know what they’re doing and might be a great contact.
5) Post a link to your blog and a one or two sentence description on your Facebook page and in relevant Facebook groups. Do the same for Google Plus, Instagram, Pinterest and all other social media sites. The more links that direct people to your blog or website, the better. Â
Don’t buy spammy backlink packages from SEO companies. If they’re offering 5000 backlinks for $50, don’t be tempted. Google will penalize your search rankings for having the same spammy backlinks as lots of other sites. Generate quality backlinks by posting links to your blog or website everywhere you can.
Google front page, how to get on the first page of Google
6) Use imautomator or to get the link out to multiple sites at once, including online directories. These time-saving services range from a free trial up to $250 per month for the serious affiliate marketer.
7) Tell the Google Fetch webmaster tool to index each and every blog post. You’ll need a Gmail account to access this tool within your Google back office. Add/Verify your website with Google and then tell Google Fetch to crawl your blog post url.
8) Enter your blog url at Â Pingomatic tells multiple search engines that your blog is new or has been updated.
9) Post your blog url on and receive your blog in PDF format almost instantly that you can re-purpose later into an e-book or download offer. Then post your PDF on Facebook and other social media sites. The PDF’s will come in handy down the road when you need to stay in front of subscribers, and might not have fresh content to write about.
10) Upload your printfriendly PDF to Once published on issuu, your PDFs become instantly available to active readers all over the planet to discover and engage with whatever interests them, presented in a magazine-like reader. Basic issuu membership is free, but users can certainly upgrade to unlock additional features and have clickable links within the PDFs.
The more places Google’s spiders find links to your blog post, the more likely it is to be seen.
11) Use your email autoresponder, like Aweber to broadcast out the url to your new blog post.
Do you focus all of your SEO efforts on Google, or do you consider other search engines as well?
Google is by far the most important search engine, dominating at least 50% of all search traffic. After you add content to your site, be sure to submit the URL of that page to Google and Bing for indexing. Also, submit your URL to Ping-O-Matic and post the page on as many social media sites as you can.
What are vital SEO steps for a new website?
After running the Google analytics, be sure to fix any errors they tell you about. Much of that stuff is either above my skill level or tasks I dislike, so I use a computer guy from India who I found on Fiverr. It’s essential to do keyword research and to make sure those keywords are on every page of your website. I filmed a quick tutorial on how to use Google’s free keyword planner here. You’ll notice I just linked to another page on my website. The search engines love that, so be sure to link to various pages and other content on your site. If you’re struggling to come up with content, check out your competitors and improve on the information they’re providing to visitors. And be sure to ask your blog readers to leave comments if they have suggestions or experience to share. The more activity on your site, the more relevant the search engines think you are.
Google front page, how do I get my blog on the first page of Google
The list above combined with proper keyword research and using the best blog format will get you there.
Remember that your blog posts will exist online as long as your site is up and running. Taking the time to spread the word and syndicate correctly will make your effort pay off with views for years.
If you’d like to know the best ways to distribute your marketing content for free, check out he video below.
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Matt Nathanson
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